Technology Development Satellite

KSU Cubesat (King Saud University Cubesat) is a 1U version of the 1U CubeSat, which was created by students and researchers from the College of Engineering (COE) at King Saud University in Saudi Arabia.

Name of SatelliteKSU Cubesat
PurposeTechnology Development
ContractorCollege of Engineering, King Saud University
Country of ContractorSaudi Arabia
Launch Mass (kg.)2
Class of OrbitLEO
Perigee (km)536
Date of Launch22.03.2021
Launch SiteBaikonur Cosmodrome
Launch VehicleSoyuz-2.1a
COSPAR Number2021-022Y
NORAD Number47954

Technology Development Satellite is designed to transmit telemetry and images taken from space by a small camera while also transmitting voice messages back to Earth.


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