Earth Observation Satellite

BKA (BelKA 2) is a Belarusian remote sensing satellite that will replace the BelKA 1 satellite, which was lost after a failed launch.

Name of SatelliteBKA 2 (BelKA 2)
PurposeEarth Observation
ContractorNPO VNIIEM
Country of ContractorRussia
Launch Mass (kg.)400
Class of OrbitLEO
Perigee (km)503
Expected Lifetime (yrs.)5
Date of Launch22.07.2012
Launch SiteBaikonur Cosmodrome
Launch VehicleSoyuz-Fregat
COSPAR Number2012-039B
NORAD Number38708

A satellite called the BKA is a virtual counterpart of Russia’s Kanopus-B-1. Targeting equipment with a resolution of up to 2.1 m and four spectral channels is capable of solving national economic problems in the interests of various ministries such as the Ministry of Economic Resources, Ministry of Natural Resources, Federal Service of Geodesy and Cartography.


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